Smooth skin year-round? More and more men opt for permanent hair removal

Smooth skin year-round? More and more men opt for permanent hair removal
Posted on July 7th

Permanent hair removal has been gaining popularity among women since the early 2000s. But now, more and more men are looking beyond traditional maintenance tools for a more definitive solution to removing hair.

Though many men tout beards and moustaches with pride – as championed by the nostalgic rockabilly or “hipster” trend – others are turning away from hairy torsos, backs or legs – whether for aesthetic or sporting reasons. About eight in ten young men shave or trim their body hair, according to the most recent results of a Flemish study (2018), but beauty salons are also noticing a rise in demand for permanent hair removal.

“Over time, the hair on your head becomes thinner but hair remains in unwanted places. This can be shaved or waxed, but then the hairs keep coming back,” according to the E-Med laser removal institute. “That is why men, too, are increasingly opting for permanent laser hair removal.”

Smooth skin all year round

Razors and depilatory creams cut or destroy the hairs on the surface of the skin, and electric epilators or wax tear the hairs out. “These devices have the advantage of allowing their users to be at peace for longer,” Professor Dominique Tennstedt, dermatologist at Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, told Le Soir.

“But the root of the hair remains in place, which explains why it ends up growing back. The problem is that it does not always find the right hair shaft to exit the skin, which can then cause ingrown hairs.”

More permanent removal options, such as laser or pulsed light hair removal, significantly reduce the density of hair, allowing skin to remain silky smooth for longer. “Still, keep in mind that we cannot completely guarantee that these methods are definitive. There is always a risk of regrowth after a certain time.”

Always be careful

“Hair removal is also more effective in people who have dark hair and white skin. Laser removal uses light to penetrate the outer layer of the skin by travelling down the hair to the hair follicles, responsible for regrowth,” Tennstedt explained.

This beam targets the melanin contained in the hair to destroy the root. Since it focuses on melanin – the darker pigment in hair – this method works better when the contrast between hair and skin is greater. The method is just as effective for men as for women.

While the pulsed light approach is more gentle, lasers penetrate more deeply. “This is why I always advise having laser hair removal done by doctors or trained beauticians,” said Tennstedt. If the laser is incorrectly adjusted it could cause burns or depigmentation spots.

Original Post 

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